More Than Friends  ~  Music & Lyrics by: Doug Rozenek  ~  Middle Class Records

Verse 1:

    Maybe we should hit the brakes…… (Because we’re movin’ too fast!)            
    If we keep the R-P-M’s so high……   (This engine just won’t last.)

Verse 2:

    Oh yea, but if you give your all to me..... (I will give you just the same.)

Verse 3:

    If I were to take one step down..... (And you to take just one step up,)             
    Then perhaps we could both reach the focal plane..... (And truly see just what is up!)

    Keyboard Solo

Chorus: ~Repeat until fade~

    If the two would ever become one….. (Of body, spirit, mind, and soul…..)            
    They could then bask in the Glory of..... (The true love that they now hold!)

From the debut CD “Celebrity” © Culture Shock July 2010 - For digital or sync licensing requests, please contact Eddie “Sea” Caldwell @ Music of the Sea @

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Created & Maintained by: Kimberly Rozenek  Last Updated:  6/10/2018   Copyright 2010-2018 Culture Shock with Middle Class Records in association with Knightstalker Records
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